UNIX Process, I/O and Credentials
3. UNIX Process, I/O and Credentials#

3.1. Processes, Files and Streams#
3.1.1. What is a process in more detail and what can it do#
a running program
a process can launch other processes
bash is implemented to start commands as processes (when needed)
passes command line arguments and environment variables – a set of key value pairs Eg.

3.1.2. Processes, Files and channel/stream model of I/O# Files and Kernel objects#
read, write
everything is a file

3.1.3. Streams: Processes and Files#
open : attach a file as a stream
file descriptors/handles : stream
read and write bytes to a stream
standard input, standard output, standard error

3.1.4. Shell Syntax:#
echo 'Hello world' > hello
cat hello
cat < ./hello

3.1.5. We now can understand what a pipe is#
pipe file object
Process 1 stdout into pipe and Process 2 stdin from pipe
3.1.6. Shell Syntax:#
ls -1 | wc -l
ls -1 | grep '^l*' | wc -l
mknod mypipe p
andmkfifo mypipe

3.2. Process management#
- look at all processesThe shell and its children
: foreground and backgroundctrl-z
so we know how to start process, list them how about stopping
or without prejudice

3.3. Credentials and file permissions#
Process have id’s associated with them
a single user id :
a single number that maps to a string user name (
set of group ids
user has a primary group but can be in many secondary groups
each has a number that maps to a name (
)each group can have many users
ps auxgww
process’s inherit their ids from their parent

Files have id’s and permissions
ls -l
, andchgrp
user, group, other -> read, write, execute
kernel ensures that process id’s and requested operations match permissions